Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

Welcome to the World (and Courtyard), Baby BJ Jr

Last month, I introduced you to who I thought was BJ Jr.

But I was mistaken. He must have been a visiting cousin, because today...

I saw for the first time the real BJ Jr.

Please give a warm welcome to the world, and to the Courtyard, to newborn Baby BJ Jr. 🎊🥹

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard Hi Baby BJ Jr!

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard Opening his beak wide for feeding time

He must have been born very recently. I do a morning garden patrol everyday and look at the nest. Today what caught my attention was little tweeting sounds. I looked closer and saw the adorable sight.

It's hard to tell but I think he has at least one sibling.

I cleaned the Cantinas and served fresh seed so BJ can have top nutrition for looking after the kids.

It was a delightful day in the Courtyard.
