Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

Finding Nemo

Part 1: A Heartbreaking Loss

Six days ago was a devastating day.

I woke up to find the baby BJ's were not in their nest, and there was evidence of an attack. The nest was halfway falling apart and there was a marking on the brick with feathers and flies.

I cried so much.

I don't know what got them, but I think either the raccoon or an owl. My guess is an owl because the raccoon was a rare sighting and I think it moved on after I blocked the gap.

Soon after, I was in the Courtyard looking around hoping for a miracle. I saw BJ go into the vine about 20 feet from the nest and thought I heard the sound of a baby BJ. I looked around everywhere but didn't see anything. Later, I wasn't sure if I had really heard the baby chirping sound because I hoped to or because it was real. But it gave me the smallest glimmer of hope.

The next day I had to go on a trip. I had gone from worrying about leaving the babies, to grieving.

I was gone for five days.

Part 2: A Miracle

When I got back, I saw the miracle of which I had heard the sounds.

It was in the morning the night after I arrived home. Usually I get out of bed after I wake up, but since I was tired from travelling, I laid in bed longer. I'm glad I did because suddenly I heard a sound that made me jump out of bed and run outside.

There was a baby BJ. 🥹

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard Mom or Dad BJ was with him (not pictured)

My heart filled with joy. I was so happy.

Baby BJ was practicing using his wings, exploring the Courtyard, and getting fed.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

He even hopped right up to me! Less than a foot away. It was so cute.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

After Courtyard exploration and wing practice, he then hopped up the vines into a dense spot near the Cantinas.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

I watched him cry out for food and Mom and Dad BJ feed him multiple times throughout the day.

The next day I was so happy to wake up and see Baby BJ again in the same spot in the vine.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

But a few minutes later, drama ensued.

Part 3: A Sudden and Unexpected Journey

I heard Mr. and Mrs. BJ yelling out. The same sound they did with the raccoon. There was nothing in the Courtyard so I went into the street, which is on the other side of the fence of the Courtyard.

There was a big truck parked alongside the fence and pushing into the vines near Baby BJ.

I couldn't believe it. All that the BJ's have gone through, and now this.

A couple minutes later I saw Mom and Dad BJ guiding Baby BJ out of the vines and across the path leading to the Deck. It was both amazing and terrifying to watch. Amazing because of how birds communicate. Terrifying because Baby BJ cannot fly more than a few feet at a time. He was exposed to danger.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard Mom and Dad BJ guiding Baby BJ from the roof while he hopped on the ground

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard Baby BJ doing what Mom and Dad said

I watched him find his way through the opening in the Deck railing, then hop across the Deck and up onto a pot. From there he hopped onto the railing then tried to fly but parachuted ten feet down. He landed softly at the base of the banana trees in the Downstairs Patio.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard Finding his way onto the Deck

Guided by his parents, he crossed the Downstairs Patio and got to the fence next to the neighbors. At this point he was at the opposite end of the property - a far way for a little bird.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

I think the BJ's told him to stay there as they worked out a plan. They brought him food.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

After some time, he then made his way through an opening in the fence and hopped up the path on the neighbor's side.

I thought they were going to guide him back into the Courtyard, as his journey was seeming like a big circle that would lead back to the other side of the Courtyard from where they started. I left the gate open and waited.

After waiting for a while, I checked to see where he was and saw he had gone back to the other side of the fence in a nook between my house and the trees along the path.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

He stayed in the same spot for at least six hours. I checked on him about every half hour. When I went to check on him after sunset he was not there but I saw Mr. and Mrs. BJ and heard rustling in the tree above that sounded like Baby BJ hopping from branch to branch.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard Parent BJ on night watch

I trust the BJ's know what they are doing. He had survived five days without human intervention so I am hoping that all will be well.

Why I didn't pick him up and take him to the Courtyard is because I didn't want to freak the BJ's out or do anything to cause harm. I watched over to step in if any predators came along, but I wanted to let them parent their baby. If I see him in a serious sitution, however, I will pick him up and take him to the Courtyard.

His name is Nemo

My brother came up with the name Nemo for Baby BJ, from the movie Finding Nemo. In the beginning of that movie, Nemo - a fish - is just an egg among many when his "nest" is attacked by a barracuda. Nemo is the only survivor and goes on to have an eventful journey.

So that is the name we will give our brave little blue jay.

Part 4: The Journey Continues

I found Nemo again the next day! Hooray!

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

He was in the front courtyard-like area at the house next door. I had gone out looking for him as soon as I woke up but didn't find him until a couple hours later.

In that time I watched Mr. and Mrs. BJ intently. They had breakfast and brunch at the Cantina, alternating between eating and lookout duty.

When I found Nemo he was sunbathing. I was so happy to see him that I smiled out loud. A couple minutes later Mom or Dad BJ fed him and he hopped into a thick entanglement of ivy and bougainvillea. It seemed like a very safe place.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard Nemo's hideout

I walked through the neighbor's courtyard a few more times and twice I heard more feeding time coming from the hideout.

At dusk, I sat in the Glass Room and watched to see if Mom and Dad BJ would appear on the wire above the hideout. After 45 minutes of observation I saw them both. I was very happy because it was a good sign Nemo was okay. At that point it had been hours since I had seen or heard him.

Minutes later I saw one parent fly straight down. I took that as my cue to go take a look.

And there was Nemo!

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

He got fed and then was guided further through the foliage. I am sad he is going further from the Courtyard but happy he seems to be doing well.

The poor thing was evacuated from his nest only a week ago at about only a week old. Baby California Scrub-Jays typically stay in the nest for 18-22 days before fledging. It then takes at least a week to learn to fly and a few more weeks to master flight.

Nemo is the bravest little birdy. I have high hopes he is in good wings and am looking forward to seeing him at the Cantina.

I am so happy to have found Nemo.
