Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

Expanding Business

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard "Now this would be a nice place for another cantina."

With all the activity that's been happening at the Cantina, and the enjoyment it brings, it was time to expand business.

This week saw the grand opening of three new cantinas.

Without further ado, welcome to our first new location, the Butterfly Cantina.

The Butterfly Cantina

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

It's not an eatery for butterflies (although I would like to expand into the butterfly cafe business); this cantina lights up! - illuminating butterflies everywhere.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard So pretty!

If our customers were nocturnal, they'd appreciate the ambiance of this cantina.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard Butterflies on brick

It's got a cool solar panel on the top that charges it during the day, and turns on automatically when it gets dark.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

Let's now flash back to the grand opening.

That morning

About 35 minutes after the grand opening, we had our first customer.

It was BJ, our number one regular at Chloe's Cantina.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

BJ is a bold and (nearly) fearless fellow, but I could see he was a little apprehensive about the new cantina. The movement was strange to him.

So based on customer feedback, I put rocks to add weight for stability and try to minimize the swing.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

I also thought, once BJ learns how to stand at the perch, he will have a much more enjoyable dining experience.

Less than 15 mintues later he was back.

And enjoying the Butterfly Cantina.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

Later that same day, Twitch stopped by for dinner.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

It was a successful grand opening.

But it doesn't end there...

The Flower Cantina

Things are moving fast in the Cantina-for-birds business. The next day we opened up another location – the Flower Cantina.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

To install this cantina, I used a lantern stake that I found under the house and stuck that in a pot of mud. Then stacked that pot on another pot to reach the ideal height for viewing.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

BJ came by for an inspection of the unconventional method of construction.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

Same as the Butterfly Cantina, the Flower Cantina has pretty lights that are powered by a solar battery.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

And look! The pursuit of new business endeavors is paying off! We have a brand new customer.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

Now you may be wondering looking at these pictures: Chloe, when'd that fountain get there?

Well, I'm glad you asked. That brings us to...

The Fountain Cantina

I found it in the Courtyard behind the rosemary. I can't believe I hadn't noticed it before. It amazes me how the more you potter about the garden, the more things you notice.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

I cut through the jungle to pull it out, then cleaned it up, and put it near the Cantinas.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

I served water and seed and it was ready to open!

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

BJ came by and gave it his stamp of approval.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

Happy customer, Twitch enjoying having another location to eat at.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

It has been very exciting to see the birds of the Courtyard enjoying their new dining locations - and to welcome new customers.

And after a long day of working in the Courtyard and managing the Cantinas, it's nice to look at the pretty lights as I go to bed and get ready for another day at Chloe's Cantinas & Courtyard.

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard

Chloe's Cantina & Courtyard
